Second Newsletter
Halloween favorites, staff recommendations, and a guide for shopping with Out West Books this Holiday Season! Welcome to our Second Newsletter!
Welcome to the Fall Book Season 2021, or as we like to call it, “Wasn’t LAST Year the Crazy One?”. With winter holidays fast approaching, the book industry is finding itself struggling to keep up with unprecedented disruption. Container and paper shortages, printing delays, loss of workers, pandemics and myriad of other mercury-in-retrograde situations are amounting to a perfect storm this holiday season. Please order ahead! November is the new December! As we enter the season, we can not promise that every book you search for will be available by December. The earlier you order, the better chance our store has of being able to find that perfect present for the one you love!
That being said, we have 10,000+ books in our store that could be a perfect match for you or somebody on your list! While we may not be able to track down the book that is out of print, get that older title that just went viral on TikTok or restock the newest hotness, what we can… and love to…. do is connect readers with that perfect book. It’s what we do. It’s why we get paid the big bucks! Ask our staff for their recommendations, and they’ll help you pick something that’s just right for you!
On to the Excitement!
With Halloween less than a week away, we wanted to show off all of our favorites! The books displayed in the picture are just the beginning! Across all genres, the shelves are filled to the brim with books containing vampires, werewolves, and other creepy crawlies! Get ready for your party with a Halloween cocktail on our recipe shelf, or find a book about covens in our fantasy section. How about a witchy rom-com? Out West has anything you could be looking for this week!